Relationships change and evolve throughout our lives. As they do, families can face important, often challenging decisions that are difficult to navigate.

That’s why it’s imperative to find support from a family lawyer who not only guides you confidently through complex issues, but who empathizes with your unique situation and deeply personal concerns.

Whether setting agreements for a new relationship, ending a long-term partnership, debating custody and visitation, solving property and financial matters and more, we guard your rights while working to achieve peaceful outcomes.

Our Family Law Services Include:

Child Support

Considering your unique situation as we assess financial disclosure, income determination, tax implications, and all special and extraordinary expenses.

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Child Custody & Visitation

Resolving decision-making responsibilities, parenting time and complex issues with a lens that puts children first.

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Divorce & Separation

Ensuring your rights are protected through spousal support, parenting, property division and more.

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Dispute Resolution

Supporting your needs through negotiation, mediation, settlement and (when necessary) litigation.

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Domestic Contracts & Family Law Agreements

Helping you start a relationship with fairness and certainty to prevent future disputes and stress.

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How do I start a family law case in Ontario?

Any family law case officially begins with completing and filing an application with family court regarding the issues that need to be resolved. That said, your journey into resolving issues with your partner first begins with negotiation, with each person retaining their own lawyer.

How much is a family lawyer in Ontario?

Every family law practice will have its own billing rates, both hourly and through a retainer. It’s important to find a team you can trust, who have not only pedigree but who have a proven record of open communication, receptiveness and empathy. At LLDG, our rates are fair and competitive, and we look to minimize costs wherever possible.

  • Skillful in communicating with the opposing counsel and my former partner so as to help bring us to agreement on each issue, as quickly and painlessly as possible.